International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Commission II - Theory and Concepts of Spatio-Temporal Data Handling and Information
Working Group II / 6 - System Integration and Interoperability, 2004 - 2008


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Bittner, T. and Winter, S., 1999: On Ontology in Image Analysis. In: Agouris, P. and Stefanidis, A. (Eds.), Integrated Spatial Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1737. Springer, Berlin, pp. 168-191.

Bittner, T., Donnelly, M. and Winter, S., 2005: Ontology and Semantic Interoperability. In: Prosperi, D. and Zlatanova, S. (Eds.), Large-Scale 3D Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities, CRCPress, Boca Raton, FL.

Gietler, L., Hofer, B., Krch, M., Stupnik, K. and Winter, S., 2003: Web Mapping a la Cuisine. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. and Griesebner, G. (Ed.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XV, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 91-97.

Kavouras, M., Kokla M., and Tomai E., 2006. Semantically-Aware Systems: Extraction of Geosemantics, Ontology Engineering, and Ontology Integration. In Stefanakis, E., Peterson, M.P., Armenakis, C., and Delis, V., (Eds), Geographic Hypermedia: Concepts and Systems, Series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer.

Klippel, A. and Winter, S., 2005: Structural Salience of Landmarks for Route Directions. In: Cohn, A.G.and Mark, D.M. (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3693. Springer, Berlin, pp. 347-362.

Nittel, S.,  Winter, S., Nural, A. and Trang, C., 2007: Shared Ride Trip Planning with Geosensor Networks. In: Miller, H.J. (Ed.), Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access. Springer, Berlin, pp. 179-194.

Raubal, M. and Winter, S., 2002: Enriching Wayfinding Instructions with Local Landmarks. In: Egenhofer, Max J. and Mark, David M. (Eds.), Geographic Information Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2478. Springer, Berlin, pp. 243-259.
(most cited GIScience paper (Google Scholar, September 2005))

Sedlak, M. and Winter, S., 2000: Einbindung des Branchenverzeichnisses in Autonavigationssysteme. In: Zagel, B. (Ed.), GIS in Verkehr und Transport, Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 176-187.

Weissensteiner, E. and Winter, S., 2004: Landmarks in the Communication of Route Directions. In: Egenhofer, M., Miller, H. and Freksa, C. (Eds.), Geographic Information Science 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3234. Springer, Berlin, pp. 313-326.

Wenzl, P. and Winter, S., 2000: Geomarketing on a Pay-per-Use Basis. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. and Griesebner, G. (Eds.), Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung XII, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg.

Winter, S. and Bittner, T., 2002: Hierarchical Topological Reasoning with Vague Regions. In: Shi, W., Fisher, P. and Goodchild, M.F. (Eds.), Spatial Data Quality, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 35-49.

Winter, S. and Frank, A.U., 1999: Functional Extensions of a Raster Representation for Topological Relations. In: Vckovski, A., Brassel, K.E. and Schek, H.-J. (Eds.), Interoperating Geographic Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1580. Springer, Berlin, pp. 293-304.
Code available)

Winter, S. and Tomko, M., 2006: Translating the Web Semantics of Georeferences. In: Taniar, D. and Rahayu, W. (Eds.), Web Semantics and Ontology, Idea Publishing, Hershey, PA, pp. 297-333.
previous version)

Winter, S., 1995: Topological Relations between Discrete Regions. In: Egenhofer, M.J. and Herring, J.R. (Eds.), Advances in Spatial Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 951. Springer, Berlin, pp. 310-327.

Winter, S., 1999: Distances for Uncertain Topological Relations. In: Craglia, M. and Onsrud, H. (Eds.), Geographic Information Research - Transatlantic Perspectives, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 449-459.

Winter, S., 1999: Topological Relations in Hierarchical Partitions. In: Freksa, C. and Mark, D.M. (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1661. Springer, Berlin, pp. 141-155.

Winter, S., 2002: Route Specifications with a Linear Dual Graph. In: Richardson, D. and van Oosterom, P. (Eds.), Advances in Spatial Data Handling. Springer, Berlin, pp. 329-338.

Winter, S., 2003: Route Adaptive Selection of Salient Features. In: Kuhn, Werner, Worboys, Michael F. and Timpf, Sabine (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2825. Springer, Berlin, pp. 320-334.

Winter, S., Dupke, S., Guan, L.-J. and Vieira, C., 2007: Historic Queries in Geosensor Networks. In: Ware, M. and Taylor, G. (Eds.), Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4857. Springer, Berlin, pp. 148-161.

Winter, S., Raubal, M. and Nothegger, C., 2005: Focalizing Measures of Salience for Route Directions. In: Meng, L., Zipf, A. and Reichenbacher, T. (Eds.), Map-Based Mobile Services - Theories, Methods and Design Implementations, Springer Geosciences, Berlin, pp. 127-142.

Wu, Y.-H., Guan, L.-J. and Winter, S., 2008: Peer-to-Peer Shared Ride Systems. In: Nittel, S., Labrinidis, A. and Stefanidis, A. (Eds.), Advances in Geosensor Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin.


 Claramunt, C. and Winter, S., 2007: Structural Salience of Elements of the City. Environment and Planning B, 34(6): 1030-1050.

Darra A., Kavouras M., and Tomai E., 2005. Representing Semantic Similarity of Socioeconomic Units with Cartographic Spatialization Metaphors. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 22(1): pp.33-45.

Hadzilakos, T., Halaris, G., Kavouras, M., Kokla, M., Panopoulos, G., Paraschakis, I., Sellis, T., Tsoulos, L., and Zervakis, M., 2000. Interoperability and definition of a national standard for geospatial data: The case of the Hellenic Cadastre. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation (JAG), 2 (2): 120-128.

Kavouras, M., 2005. A unified ontological framework for semantic integration. In ISPRS Book Series Next Generation Geospatial Information, Agouris, P. and Croitoru, A., (eds.).  A.A. Balkema Publishers - Taylor & Francis, The Netherlands.

Kavouras, M. and Kokla, M., 2002. A method for the formalization and integration of geographical categorizations. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 16 (5): 439 – 453.

Kavouras, M., Kokla, M. and E. Tomai, 2005. Comparing Categories among geographic ontologies. Computers & Geosciences, 31(2): pp 145-154, Special Issue, Geospatial Research in Europe: AGILE 2003, Michael Gould (Ed.).

Kealy, A., Winter, S. and Retscher, G., 2008. Intelligent Location Models for Next Generation Location Based Services. Journal of Location Based Services, accepted 4.12.2007 for publication.

Klippel, A., Freksa, C. and Winter, S., 2006. You-Are-Here Maps in Emergencies - The Danger of Getting Lost. Journal of Spatial Science, 51 (1): 117-131.

Kokla, M. and Kavouras, M., 1999. Spatial Concept Lattices: An Integration Method in Model Generalization. Cartographic Perspectives, (34): 23-38.

Kokla, M. and Kavouras, M. 2001. Fusion of top-level and geographical domain ontologies based on context formation and complementarity. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15 (7): 679-687.

Kokla, M. and Kavouras, M., 2005. Semantic Information in Geo-ontologies: Extraction, Comparison, and Reconciliation. Journal on Data Semantics, 3534: pp 125-142.

Lang, D., Winter, S. and Frank, A.U., 2001. Neighborhood Relations between Fields with Applications to Cellular Networks. GeoInformatica, 5(2): 127-144.

Nothegger, C., Winter, S. and Raubal, M., 2004. Computation of the Salience of Features. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 4 (2): 113-136.

Ragia, L. and Winter, S., 2000. Contributions to a Quality Description of Areal Objects in Spatial Data Sets. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 55(3): 201-213.

Raubal, M., Winter, S., Tessmann, S. and Gaisbauer, C., 2007. Time Geography for Ad-Hoc Shared-Ride Trip Planning in Mobile Geosensor Networks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 62 (5): 366-381.

Richter, K.-F., Tomko, M. and Winter, S., 2008. A Dialog-Driven Process of Generating Route Directions. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Accepted for publication 15.2.2008